A present for a James!

One night on christmas eve there was a boy named James. He was born July 31 2003 but anyway the day after December 25 James got up at 6:27 (usual 6:00) thinking i am forgetting something is there something special about today? Then his eleven year old brother named Josh got up then pushed him to the ground saying are u crazy in the mean time James says are u crazy but then Josh says no you’re crazy you forgot christmas then James is like o ya then 30 mins later he parents wake up go on the pc then tells James you’re getting Minecraft then James goes on the computer first thing that comes in mind is Hunger games he puts on Hunger games song by Minecrafts 1 and only BajanCanadian. Then James goes on www.toomanysevers.com then types in ca1.mcsg.in then played the Hunger games lucks out on his first Hunger games getting full iron armour and diamond sword then even more lucking by a guy whose pc froze and was killed by my diamond sword plus he had full diamond armour lots of food and no weapon at all unless you count a stick as a weapon. Then James won the Hunger Games in death match with his full diamond armour and diamond sword. Then he lived peacful in the world of Minecraft.

FYI Death Match is when there is 4 people left and battle it out so the game doesn’t go on forever
P.S. Based on a true story

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